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    Opened the quality month activity skill contest successfully ended

    Joca 2018-10-28 4222hit return

    In order to play the role of vocational skill competition in personnel training, selection and incentives to promote the construction of the company's talent team, and build a platform for employees to learn technology and exchange skills, on October 28, 2018, Shanghai opened the wire and cable production department to hold the "No. The fourth quarter employee professional skills competition." This skill competition is to improve the work ability and skills of employees, and it is to encourage employees to catch up with the advanced and strive to be a model, and to form a good atmosphere of comparison, learning, catching up and surpassing within the company.image003 image001

       The competition was organized by the quality activity leading group. In order to make the competition effective, the corresponding competition rules and incentives were formulated. At the same time, the personnel administration department Mo Zong, the supply chain Chen Zong, the technical department Wang Gong, and the quality department Zhu were invited. As an on-site judge, the staff mobilized the enthusiasm of the employees and completed the skill competition with the principle of ¡°fairness, justice and openness¡±. At the same time, the leaders also had a better understanding of our employees and learned about the employees we have. Professional technology.





     The skill competition has a total of 4 process competitions. The main competition items are: bundle wire, insulation, cable-forming and sheathing. In the process of stringing the thread according to the standard, the players are meticulous in their movements. The insulation players are very handy in the process of changing the color change. One of the women is forced to work - Li Zhuying, her small and exquisite body movement attracts everyone's Eyeball, with its own professional skills to win the championship; cable player Chen Lijun in the process of changing the specifications and hard work, with a spirit of not abandoning, not giving up, won the victory; jacket players in the process of changing the mold all the way In the end, Zhang Zhiqiang won the laurels with his own efforts; in the insulation process competition, Jiang Congyong went all the way through the game, and he was very bright in the game and received the unanimous praise of the leaders. During the competition, General Manager Wu went to the scene to cheer and cheer. The competition was even more enthusiastic. After four hours of fierce competition, the first, second and third prizes were selected for each project. Participants said that the platform for employees to show their skills has truly reflected the technical level of each individual, which greatly stimulated the enthusiasm of employees to go deeper into learning, improved the morale of the team, and formed an advanced situation. The good atmosphere of everyone's struggle for the upper reaches, the talents and potentials of the employees are maximized, and the future work has more goals and directions.image009image011image013


    Through the competition, employees are more dedicated to their work, constantly improving their skills, improving quality and efficiency, and promoting the development of individuals and businesses. At the same time, through this competition, we also saw a slight deficiency. Some professional skills of the staff are not yet skilled. We also need to further strengthen the technical training of employees, and persist in the in-depth training of the training and technical competitions to provide training for employees. Information, create learning conditions, improve the learning environment, create a strong atmosphere of academic skills, maximize the mobilization and enthusiasm of the theory, technology, and technology of the employees, and cultivate high-skilled technical operations talents for the development of the cable industry. .



